UX Designer Wordking
Since 2004

Create and drive business impact through digital innovation that are deep rooted in user behavior and business insights.

We solve for digital enterprise experiences that are tailored and drive measurable results.

How we create intent driven digital solutions where the interfaces become invisible.


ResearchUser Research

We use various methods to identify problems and opportunities, and define crucial information.

  • Requirement Gathering
  • User Interview
  • User Personas

StrategyDesign Strategy

We partner with clients to create design strategies that solve future problems today.

  • Industry & Market Trends
  • Branding & Guidelines
  • Road Mapping

ExperienceHuman Experience Design

Building a seamless user experience born of connected interactions between users and an object, interface and a person.

  • User Experience Design
  • Interaction Design
  • User Interface Design

BuildPrototyping & Development

We use technology to test our concepts and implement solutions with or technology partners.

  • Rapid Prototyping
  • Technology Architecture
  • Web / Mob / App Development

Senses is a Bengaluru-based organisation. C-Senses firmly believes that creative visual appeal anchors in the science of design. Designs from C-Senses are guided by End-User and User-Friendliness.

  • Founded in 2004
  • Clients from US, UK, Singapore, India
  • Wide industry exposure
  • Flexible offshore pricing
  • On time delivery, no surprises
  • Worked remotely & onsite

Digital Product Design Philosophy

Building a seamless user experience born of connected interactions between users and an object, interface and a person.

We start our process by understanding user needs, document them, then determine the nature of the problem, unfold possibilities and visualise potential solutions, and test the solution on users to evaluate and iterate.



Know the user we are designing for and understand their needs better



Decide on who we want to design for and what we want to help them do



Ideate different solutions which are useful to the user. Create user-flows and interactive mock-ups



Take our solutions to our audience and get their feedback. Iterate on the solution

We Have Worked With

Since 2004 we have worked with many clients from various industries around the globe, such as US, UK, Europe and Asia.